miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

Changes to my study programme

Hello to all who have come here. I hope you are very well and have a very good week so far. This is blog number 8 (little is missing by the end of the year hehe). And today I come to talk about "What changes would you make in the curriculum or in the design career at the University of Chile?".

Resultado de imagen para camaras fotograficasAs I have been talking about several publications ago, I have always liked the side of the cameras, whether video or photographic. I would like more branches related to this to be implemented, not only as optional third-year subjects or as branches outside the main mesh, but also within the design area. Or that there are activities related to this. The same with video editing or photographic editions. I feel that what you have "taught" so far in this area has been a very basic brushstroke regarding these issues, I really hope you have taught some courses or touch-up lessons, I hope you will teach us later. 
Like occupying the programs, practically one has to learn on their own (which is not bad), but there should be a small introduction to this. I had to see how some classmates had 0 knowledge with some programs and had to keep watching, almost begging to show me how things were done. Fortunately, I had entered with some knowledge, but the idea is that everyone starts from the same base, and that teachers often don't understand.
Imagen relacionada

Resultado de imagen para fau chileAlso another issue that I had to see in the first year, was that it is assumed that when presenting it to the design everything is integral, but there were still professors more focused on a field (Graphic-Industrial) for some people to find it more difficult than others for Don't know the other mention.
And so, a series of problems that I could keep talking about, but that's not the case and I'm running out of time.

I hope you liked this blog.

Do you think the same? What changes would you make?

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

Smoking Weed (Marijuana)

Hi to all who are Reading my blog. I hope you are very well and have a very good week. This is the blog number 8, there are few left to finish the semester :o, and today I come to talk about "Smoking weed (marijuana)", which I think about this and its legalization. I hope it is a topic of interest and enjoy this blog.

Resultado de imagen para marijuanaI think it is a matter of much contingency to know about this. The issues are super wide and you can talk from smoking today, what can be done and what not, until legalization (which is far away in Chile). In developed countries such as some in Europe, marijuana has long been legal. All under studies of death rates and among other things. Laws regarding this issue in our country are very rare, and the police are governed by their thoughts.
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There are many experiences you can take with marijuana, from relaxation to having a good time with friends. I think it is a very good medicine for any type of stress, depression or something related haha. (has a good time)
At another point, I believe that the implementation of the famous "Narcotest" that is done to drivers, is poorly done. This is because it does not measure how much effect you have on the body or even if you even have some thc. Only measure if you smoked within the last 24 hours. Of which, for example if I smoked yesterday, obviously today I would not be under the influence of the drug.

Resultado de imagen para marijuanaI do not think that smoking marijuana is bad, obviously everything in excess affects your health and adverse effects, but there are many studies compared to other drugs saying that the effect that it performs on the body is much less harmful with what can be done or different things more.
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Nowadays, smoking pot is as normal as drinking a beer, especially in youth, everyone has the right to smoke or not to smoke.

And you? Smoke weed?

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Mario Kart Tour

Hi to all who are reading this new blog. I hope you are very well and have a very good week, even if we are not Monday haha. This is the blog numer 7 and I will talk about the new Mario Kart Game for mobile phones. 

Resultado de imagen para mario kartWhen I was little, I remember goig to the corner of my street, where a friend livedand had a Nintendo 64. We always play Mario Kart, we spend hours playing very entretaining.
Then, When the Wii console came out, I played with a friend who also lived near me and I love to play, but what I played most was Mario Kart.

Resultado de imagen para mario kartA while ago, we went to a bar nex to my girlfriend called "Insert Coin". It is a themed bar, set in video games, where you can have themed drinks, food with character shapes, etc. And while you drink and eat you can have a console. The time I went with my girlfriend we decided to take the Wii U. Many years ago I didn't play Mario Kart and I found the surprice that my girlfriend liked it too. We had such a good time that after a few days we were crazy to buy a Wii, find a used one and now almost every day we play in the house haha. 

Last week, the game for mobile phones (Mario Kart Tour) came out, and there we are very busy playing at 2. Competing with each other and having a great time. I think it's the best game of all time to share with more people.
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miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

Post Graduate Studies

Resultado de imagen para estudiosHi again everyone. Welcome to my blog! I hope you are very well and have enjoyed the national celebration. Today in this blog, I’m going to talk about what I’m going to do after I graduate, in terms of studies.

I hope to graduate in the 5 years that last the career, I am currently in the second year and with all the approved career subjets, so that I can continue to learn more things. Obviously as I spoke in my previous blog (Future Job) I will through the field of graphic design (Visuals and media)

Resultado de imagen para diseño graficoWhen I went to school, everything related to the audiovisual area always caught my attention. I decided study design because it is more complete and always creating graphic things on my computer. I would like to finish the career to complement everything I learn in design with the career of audiovisual communication and some advertising, in order to have a complete margin of this area.

La formación online permite acceder a una amplia oferta formativaAlso having decided that I will focus on this career, I would like to polish my knowledge with a diploma and magister focused on what I want to direct in a few years. I think that learning young is the best way in the future to be able to share you knowledge and be someone different from others. 

miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019

My Future Job

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Hi everybody! Welcome to my blog. I hope you are very good <3.  Today I’m going to talk about  my future job.😍

I still don’t know what I’m going to do when I leave University, but I want to specialize in the area of Graphic Design, but specifically I don’t even know what to work on. I really like working with photographs, photomontages, creating content and also things related to the audiovisual world such as videos, promotions, trailers, short films or documentaries.😎

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The truth is that I am very motivated to work on things that I like, because when I am not interested in the work I do not do it with such desire. I would like to be working with people of my style, people with whom I can relate and have similar ideas. Maybe in urban brands or related to the world today.

I would also like to be related to electronic music, national and international music events (always thinking beyond there) hopefully especially in the Hardstyle area, or to work with artist that I like. I believe that dreams are fulfilled and goals have to be fixed.😜
Resultado de imagen para graphic designer studio

Goodbye, see you soon <3

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

Urban Music In Chile

Resultado de imagen para trapHi guys!  In this blog I´m going to talk about the urban music, especially in Chile. This music called "trap" and "reggaeton" that many people today like. Hope you like it! Enjoy <3

This style of music has become revolution in recent years, they have been in this urban music industry for more than 10 years now, and the followers dont’t go down.

Resultado de imagen para pablo chill-eIn Chile these last 3 years this music become much more and has come out internationally. Artist like Paloma Mami, Cease, Polima West Coast, Gianluca, Princesa Alba, Nación Triizy, Young Cister and Pablo Chill-e (among others) they have been Heard throughout the world, revolutionizing urban music and showing the name of Chile on the map, and not only talking about the same as all the songs of this style, alsto of petry, politics and the problems of the country.

My favorite artista artista of this style are Pablo Chill-e, Polima and Young Cister whom I met as a child in Quilicura, and his career has been a lot of effort and dedication.

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miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

Netflix Series "Dark"

Hi guys! In this blog i'm going to talk about a series that I have been watching lately. His name is “dark” Hope you like it !

With my girlfriend we have been watching many TV or Netflix series, it is one of our winter hobbies. And the last one series we have seen (and we´re not done yet) is call “Dark”.

Resultado de imagen para darkIs a crazy history, with a lot of mystery and questions that it causes in the viewer. The series is about many people who are getting lost, but in different years and they all connect wich each other. Focuses on 3 main years, 1953, 1986 and 2019. But in the second season 2 more years are added (1921 and one year of the future I do not specify).

Resultado de imagen para darkIt is fun to know new things in each chapter, because the mystery is deciphering and that makes us talk hours with my girlfriend to know what is happening. The series has us very trapped with my girlfriend and we always try to see her together. 