Hi to all
who are Reading my blog. I hope you are very well and have a very good week.
This is the blog number 8, there are few left to finish the semester :o, and
today I come to talk about "Smoking weed (marijuana)", which I think
about this and its legalization. I hope it is a topic of interest and enjoy
this blog.
I think it
is a matter of much contingency to know about this. The issues are super wide
and you can talk from smoking today, what can be done and what not, until
legalization (which is far away in Chile). In developed countries such as some
in Europe, marijuana has long been legal. All under studies of death rates and
among other things. Laws regarding this issue in our country are very rare, and
the police are governed by their thoughts.
There are
many experiences you can take with marijuana, from relaxation to having a good
time with friends. I think it is a very good medicine for any type of stress,
depression or something related haha. (has a good time)
At another
point, I believe that the implementation of the famous "Narcotest"
that is done to drivers, is poorly done. This is because it does not measure
how much effect you have on the body or even if you even have some thc. Only
measure if you smoked within the last 24 hours. Of which, for example if I
smoked yesterday, obviously today I would not be under the influence of the
I do not
think that smoking marijuana is bad, obviously everything in excess affects
your health and adverse effects, but there are many studies compared to other
drugs saying that the effect that it performs on the body is much less harmful
with what can be done or different things more.
smoking pot is as normal as drinking a beer, especially in youth, everyone has
the right to smoke or not to smoke.
And you?
Smoke weed?