miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

Post Graduate Studies

Resultado de imagen para estudiosHi again everyone. Welcome to my blog! I hope you are very well and have enjoyed the national celebration. Today in this blog, I’m going to talk about what I’m going to do after I graduate, in terms of studies.

I hope to graduate in the 5 years that last the career, I am currently in the second year and with all the approved career subjets, so that I can continue to learn more things. Obviously as I spoke in my previous blog (Future Job) I will through the field of graphic design (Visuals and media)

Resultado de imagen para diseño graficoWhen I went to school, everything related to the audiovisual area always caught my attention. I decided study design because it is more complete and always creating graphic things on my computer. I would like to finish the career to complement everything I learn in design with the career of audiovisual communication and some advertising, in order to have a complete margin of this area.

La formación online permite acceder a una amplia oferta formativaAlso having decided that I will focus on this career, I would like to polish my knowledge with a diploma and magister focused on what I want to direct in a few years. I think that learning young is the best way in the future to be able to share you knowledge and be someone different from others. 

6 comentarios:

  1. I think that you have totally the reason! “Learning young is the best way in the future to be able to share your knowledge and be someone different from others”, love it!

  2. Design and audiovisual communication are a great combo!

  3. That´s why the design is so cool, you can mix all the things that you like

  4. You have reason!!! Design is so complete and interesting for learn more and more.

  5. I think you'll get far away with your ideas!
