miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019

My Future Job

Resultado de imagen para designer graphic
Hi everybody! Welcome to my blog. I hope you are very good <3.  Today I’m going to talk about  my future job.😍

I still don’t know what I’m going to do when I leave University, but I want to specialize in the area of Graphic Design, but specifically I don’t even know what to work on. I really like working with photographs, photomontages, creating content and also things related to the audiovisual world such as videos, promotions, trailers, short films or documentaries.😎

Resultado de imagen para audiovisual
The truth is that I am very motivated to work on things that I like, because when I am not interested in the work I do not do it with such desire. I would like to be working with people of my style, people with whom I can relate and have similar ideas. Maybe in urban brands or related to the world today.

I would also like to be related to electronic music, national and international music events (always thinking beyond there) hopefully especially in the Hardstyle area, or to work with artist that I like. I believe that dreams are fulfilled and goals have to be fixed.😜
Resultado de imagen para graphic designer studio

Goodbye, see you soon <3

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