miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

Urban Music In Chile

Resultado de imagen para trapHi guys!  In this blog I´m going to talk about the urban music, especially in Chile. This music called "trap" and "reggaeton" that many people today like. Hope you like it! Enjoy <3

This style of music has become revolution in recent years, they have been in this urban music industry for more than 10 years now, and the followers dont’t go down.

Resultado de imagen para pablo chill-eIn Chile these last 3 years this music become much more and has come out internationally. Artist like Paloma Mami, Cease, Polima West Coast, Gianluca, Princesa Alba, Nación Triizy, Young Cister and Pablo Chill-e (among others) they have been Heard throughout the world, revolutionizing urban music and showing the name of Chile on the map, and not only talking about the same as all the songs of this style, alsto of petry, politics and the problems of the country.

My favorite artista artista of this style are Pablo Chill-e, Polima and Young Cister whom I met as a child in Quilicura, and his career has been a lot of effort and dedication.

Resultado de imagen para young cister

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