miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

Netflix Series "Dark"

Hi guys! In this blog i'm going to talk about a series that I have been watching lately. His name is “dark” Hope you like it !

With my girlfriend we have been watching many TV or Netflix series, it is one of our winter hobbies. And the last one series we have seen (and we´re not done yet) is call “Dark”.

Resultado de imagen para darkIs a crazy history, with a lot of mystery and questions that it causes in the viewer. The series is about many people who are getting lost, but in different years and they all connect wich each other. Focuses on 3 main years, 1953, 1986 and 2019. But in the second season 2 more years are added (1921 and one year of the future I do not specify).

Resultado de imagen para darkIt is fun to know new things in each chapter, because the mystery is deciphering and that makes us talk hours with my girlfriend to know what is happening. The series has us very trapped with my girlfriend and we always try to see her together. 

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