miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

Urban Music In Chile

Resultado de imagen para trapHi guys!  In this blog I´m going to talk about the urban music, especially in Chile. This music called "trap" and "reggaeton" that many people today like. Hope you like it! Enjoy <3

This style of music has become revolution in recent years, they have been in this urban music industry for more than 10 years now, and the followers dont’t go down.

Resultado de imagen para pablo chill-eIn Chile these last 3 years this music become much more and has come out internationally. Artist like Paloma Mami, Cease, Polima West Coast, Gianluca, Princesa Alba, Nación Triizy, Young Cister and Pablo Chill-e (among others) they have been Heard throughout the world, revolutionizing urban music and showing the name of Chile on the map, and not only talking about the same as all the songs of this style, alsto of petry, politics and the problems of the country.

My favorite artista artista of this style are Pablo Chill-e, Polima and Young Cister whom I met as a child in Quilicura, and his career has been a lot of effort and dedication.

Resultado de imagen para young cister

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

Netflix Series "Dark"

Hi guys! In this blog i'm going to talk about a series that I have been watching lately. His name is “dark” Hope you like it !

With my girlfriend we have been watching many TV or Netflix series, it is one of our winter hobbies. And the last one series we have seen (and we´re not done yet) is call “Dark”.

Resultado de imagen para darkIs a crazy history, with a lot of mystery and questions that it causes in the viewer. The series is about many people who are getting lost, but in different years and they all connect wich each other. Focuses on 3 main years, 1953, 1986 and 2019. But in the second season 2 more years are added (1921 and one year of the future I do not specify).

Resultado de imagen para darkIt is fun to know new things in each chapter, because the mystery is deciphering and that makes us talk hours with my girlfriend to know what is happening. The series has us very trapped with my girlfriend and we always try to see her together. 

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2019

The Best Concert

Hi guys! In this blog i'm going to talk about the best concert ever in my short life haha. Hope you like it !

La imagen puede contener: una o varias personas y primer plano

Since 2014, I’m DJ from electronic musica (Hardstyle), and for this I have been able to be im some festivals or events of this music in Chile.

La imagen puede contener: una persona, textoI think that my best concert or festival I’ve been to, has been “Dance Capitolium”  in 2017 where I can share the stage with 2 great and important artis DJ of this music internationally (From Netherlands).

This event was a made in the Luxor event center, wich sold all tickets and was completely full. All my friends an family went to see me because it was something important in my DJ carrer.

Maybe it was not a massive or very big event, but it was an unforgettable experience in my life, feeling the adrenaline and nerves on stage and being able to make people dance is something totally crazy haha <3
SoundCritical DJ

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2019

A country i’d like to visit

Hi guys! This is my first blog in the second semester of university, and today i’m goin to talk about a country i’d like to visit someday. Hope you like it! Enjoy.

Resultado de imagen para Tomorrowland

Always i liked the electronic music, in especially hardstyle, and this style is created in europe. Country’s as Germany, Netherland, Italy, Belgium and others more created and see born the hardstyle music and the dance for this is called “Hakken”. I love the music from this places, the music is very euphoric and fast. The culture of the music is very interesting. 
I will like travel to europe in june or july someday, because in this date’s make the most important events or festivals from electronic music. Some as “Defqon 1”, “Hard island”, “Tomorrowland”, etc. 

In the future wish live and work in europe, because i like the lifestyle they lead. In specially Amsterdam, and be able to participate in these festivals.

Seis cosas gratis que podrás hacer en Ámsterdam