miércoles, 17 de abril de 2019

My Career Choise

When i was a child, i wanted to be a seller of "Mote con huesillos", after this, i wanted to be a doctor. i didn't like those jobs in the high school. When i was in the high school, mathematics were easy, for what i wanted study something related to Mathematics or physics. But always i liked the artitstic areas. After PSU, and got good score, i decided to study informatics engineering, in the University of Santiago (USACH) but i didn't like it.
I always like the photography and desing and when i was in the USACH, i realized that i should study what i liked. The year after this, i start to study design in the University of Chile (UCH).
In this time of study design, i love the career because is everything i thought and FAU is very nice.
In the future when i finish the university i want to work in something that makes me happy and work in the desing graphic area of electronic music events from chile.

1 comentario:

  1. I think you do a very good job changing of career, because now you are happy and my classmate :)
