miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

My Favourite Piece of Technology

I think that technology is something that make life easier. The technology is a solution for most problems.

My favourite piece of technology is a computer, i remember when i got my first computer, i used to talk with my friends on Messenger or publish photos in Fotolog every day. I arrived from the school only conect in the internet.

I now use the computer every day to study or work for the university, i use all Adobe programs such as Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere, Lightroom, etc. When i arrive from the university, I take my computer and spend hours in front of it. I use it most of my time and days.

My favourite piece is the computer, because it is more versatile. In the computer you can work, talk with friends or family, study, play games, view news, find out about the world, use the social medias, etc.

I think that without the computer, I could not study or work in my career, and the computer is one of most important advance of the technology.

Resultado de imagen para computadores antiguosResultado de imagen para notebook

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2019

My Career Choise

When i was a child, i wanted to be a seller of "Mote con huesillos", after this, i wanted to be a doctor. i didn't like those jobs in the high school. When i was in the high school, mathematics were easy, for what i wanted study something related to Mathematics or physics. But always i liked the artitstic areas. After PSU, and got good score, i decided to study informatics engineering, in the University of Santiago (USACH) but i didn't like it.
I always like the photography and desing and when i was in the USACH, i realized that i should study what i liked. The year after this, i start to study design in the University of Chile (UCH).
In this time of study design, i love the career because is everything i thought and FAU is very nice.
In the future when i finish the university i want to work in something that makes me happy and work in the desing graphic area of electronic music events from chile.

jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

My Autobiography

My name is Bastian Moncada, i have 20 years old. I was born in Santiago, Chile, in 1 of December of 1998. I have a sister, she has a 15 years old.

I graduated from the "Colegio Valle Grande" in 2016. In 2017, im studied the carreer of engineering in the University of Santiago (Usach), but i dont like it. In 2018, i start to study the carreer of Design. Now, I'm in my second year of Design in the University of Chile (UCH), i like so much this career.

Im live in Valle Grande, Lampa, with my parents, my sister and my dog, her name is "Jack" and has 6 year in this life.

In my free time, i like to spend time with my girlfriend. She live in Maipu and study Nursing in the Central University.

Im DJ and also practice in my house or go to my friends DJ's house. In the weekend, some days, go to the electronic music party's